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What "create/activate a new service" implies on the sysadmin world

So you've been asked by you boss to  "just setup a webserver for the departement X". For the Boss this is not only an easy task but also a fast one t0 be done. 
YOU as a good sysadmin knows that in 3 month this "temporary" webserver will be THE webserver of project XYZ and will be mission-critical ( nobodies knows of which mission, but who cares)  !!!! 

So to be on the safe side remember your boss (and yourself) that a single service MUST include:
  1. Way to startup/Shutdown in an autonomous way. /etc/init.d scripts...
  2. A Backup procedure and a restore procedure for all the data that cannot be installed from a package/compilation
  3. Monitoring of the service (for external webservers I use
  4. Some graphs to be able to reply: "it's fast/slow like always" 
  5. Might want some tuning to keep it slow and not dead. Slow server are working server so nobody can really complain about it.
  6. A documentation with a least how to connect and how to configure the preceding bullets.
A bientot

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